11 August 2014

Video: Xin hãy yểm trợ công tác chống buôn người của Caroline Nguyễn.

* Nghe Radio trên Net, xin hãy nhấn hàng chữ đỏ: http://tintuctrungthuc.blogspot.com/2011/03/video-anh-chu-viet-co-dau-nghe-paltalk.html

Caroline recently received a COMMENDATION from the Mayor and the City Council Members of the city of Westminster

Help TEDx Teen Challenge winner Caroline Nguyen, 18, make a film to stop human trafficking.

Caroline Nguyen, seventeen years old, was selected as of the three winner of the TEDx Teen Challenge Award because of her leadership skills for raising awareness about human trafficking in her community.

When she read an article in the OC Register about a police raid taking place at a local chiropractor's office, she was shocked to find out that girls her age were being trafficked as sexual slaves in a "normal" business which everyone knew.

The majority of people think that human trafficking only happens overseas, in Asia or somewhere far away, and that our communities are safe.

But human trafficking takes place right here, on US soil, and probably right in your own neighborhood. It's the second largest crime in the world, right after drug trafficking. Children are being sold as sex slaves and they probably live in your town, but they are hidden from plain sight. It's a dirty little secret because it is based on fear.

Here are some statistics: 20.9 million people are estimated to be victims of modern slavery, 60% of survivors were trafficked for sexual exploitation , 50% of the victims are less than 15 years old, and 27% percent of victims are children .

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